Bus stands belongs to the RPTA-NWP
To provide a better service, RPTA is having several bus stands in the North Western Province

The main bus stands/stops in Puttalm district.
- Wariyapola
- Wadakada
- Katupota
- Girulla
- Matibokka
- Ganewatte
- Mawathagama
- Galgamuwa
- Ridigama
- Madagalle
- Bowatte
- Kappitigala
- Maho
- Pannela
- Malsiripura
- Hettipola
- Allawa
- Nikawaratiya
- Kubukgatte
- Anamaduwa
- Kalpitiya
- Dankotuwa
- Madampe
- Nattandiya
- Karuwalagaswewa